Archive for the 'Routing' Category

A First Look at Suspicious IRR Records

Thursday, February 15th, 2024 by Ben Du

The Internet Routing Registry (IRR) is a set of distributed databases used by networks to register routing policy information and to validate messages received in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). 


First deployed in the 1990s, the IRR remains the most widely used database for routing security purposes, despite the existence of more recent and more secure alternatives such as the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI). Yet, the IRR lacks a strict validation standard and the limited coordination across different database providers can lead to inaccuracies. Moreover, it has been reported that attackers have begun to register false records in the IRR to bypass operators’ defenses when launching attacks on the Internet routing system, such as BGP hijacks. 


In our paper, IRRegularities in the Internet Routing Registry, we at CAIDA/UC San Diego, in collaboration with Georgia Tech and Stanford, proposed a workflow to identify suspicious IRR records. In this post, we succinctly describe how we quantified the inconsistencies across all IRR databases, identified likely suspicious IRR records, and validated our results against relevant studies.


Reported false IRR records


Each IRR database is managed independently under different policies and registration processes. The five RIRs (RIPE, ARIN, APNIC, AFRINIC, and LACNIC) manage authoritative IRR databases. Routing information registered in those IRR databases undergoes a validation process against the address ownership information to ensure correctness. IRR databases operated by other institutions are non-authoritative IRR databases and are not strictly validated.


To increase the likelihood of launching a successful BGP hijack attack, malicious actors may inject false records into non-authoritative IRR databases. There have been reported cases of successful BGP hijacking attempts that also abused the IRR.


In one prominent case, an attacker successfully hijacked Amazon’s address space that was used to host Celer Network’s cryptocurrency exchange website. The attacker, AS209243 (, pretended to be an upstream provider of AS16509 (Amazon) by registering false objects in ALTDB. In a different case, AS207427 ( registered false IRR objects for 3 UCSD-announced prefixes and hijacked those prefixes in BGP for more than a month.


Workflow to identify suspicious IRR records


Following the diagram in Figure 1, we consider an IRR record in a non-authoritative database suspicious if it satisfies the following conditions:

  1. The IRR record conflicted with corresponding records (containing the same prefix but different origin) in the authoritative IRR database.
  2. The prefix in the IRR record from step 1 was originated in BGP by multiple ASes, one of which is the AS in the IRR record.


We validate our inferred suspicious IRR records with the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI), a more recent and secure alternative of the IRR. We also check if the origin ASes in the suspicious IRR records were classified as serial hijacker ASes by Testart et al. published at IMC 2019.

Figure 1. Workflow to identify suspicious IRR records (solid arrows) and methods to validate our results (dotted arrows).


Baseline: Inconsistency across IRR databases


We discuss the results of the first step in the workflow above. To understand the baseline characteristics of the IRR databases, we analyze the consistency between all pairs of IRR databases.


Figure 2 shows the percentage of records with the same prefix but different origin ASes between pairs of IRRs. We found that most IRR databases have mismatching records with one another, consistent with persistent neglect by IRR users and thus an increasing number of outdated entries. We also noticed instances where a company registered records in multiple IRR databases, but only updated the records in one IRR database, causing inter-IRR inconsistency. 


Most surprising were the mismatching records between pairs of authoritative IRR databases, since each RIR only allows registration of records containing address blocks managed by that RIR, which do not overlap with each other. We speculate that those mismatching records correspond to address space that was transferred across RIRs, and the address owner from the previous RIR did not remove the outdated object. As of January 2024, two months since our paper was published, the RIRs have removed all inconsistent IRR records in their authoritative databases. We provide the updated results on github

Figure 2. Fraction of inconsistent records in the IRR on the Y-axis with respect to the IRR on the X-axis. The denominators shown in Figure 1b in the paper.


Suspicious records in RADB


Out of 1.5 million RADB records (1.2 million unique prefixes), we identified 34,199 potentially suspicious records. We further checked the RPKI consistency of those records. Out of those 34,199 records, 4,082 records had a mismatching ASN, 144 had prefixes that were too specific, and 9,450 had no matching ROA in RPKI. To further narrow down the list of suspicious IRR records, we removed the ones whose AS appear in other RPKI-consistent records (assuming those ASes were unlikely to be malicious), leaving 6,373 suspicious records. Network operators who use IRR-based filtering should carefully consider those suspicious records.


We also compared our list of 34,199 suspicious records with the list of serial hijackers from Testart et al.  and found 5,581 records registered by 168 serial hijacker ASes. We found one of those ASes to be a small US-based ISP with 10 customers according to CAIDA’s AS Rank. Another serial hijacker AS was a European hosting provider with more than 100 customers, which was also known to be exploited by attackers to abuse the DNS system. However, networks may have registered both suspicious and benign records, which can complicate the inference of suspicious IRR records.



We provided a first look at inconsistencies across IRR databases and proposed an approach to infer suspicious activities in the IRR without external sources of ground truth. We found IRR databases prone to staleness and errors, confirming the importance of operators transitioning to RPKI-based filtering. We hope this work inspires new directions in automating the detection of abuse of IRRs, ideally in time to prevent or thwart an attacker’s ultimate objective. We publicly provide our analysis code on Github with more recent sample data and results.

CAIDA’s 2022 Annual Report

Monday, July 10th, 2023 by kc

The CAIDA annual report summarizes CAIDA’s activities for 2022 in the areas of research, infrastructure, data collection and analysis. The executive summary is excerpted below:

Studying Conformance of MANRS Members

Saturday, January 21st, 2023 by Ben Du

In November 2022, 85% MANRS members were conformant to Action #1 and Action #4.


The Mutually Agreed Norms on Routing Security (MANRS) initiative is an industry-led effort to improve Internet routing security. MANRS encourages participating networks to implement a series of routing security practices.  In our paper, Mind Your MANRS: Measuring the MANRS Routing Ecosystem, we at CAIDA (UC San Diego), in collaboration with Georgia Tech, and IIJ Research Lab, provided the first independent look into the MANRS ecosystem by using publicly available data to analyze the routing behavior of participant networks. MANRS membership has increased significantly in recent years, but our research goal was to get more clarity on the impact of the MANRS initiative on the state of overall Internet routing security.   In this post, we summarize how we characterized the growth of MANRS members, explain our process of analyzing ISP conformance with the MANRS practices we studied, compare RPKI ROA registration status between MANRS and non-MANRS members, and reflect on implications of our analysis for the future of MANRS. 


We first analyzed what types of networks have joined MANRS over time, and whether MANRS members are properly implementing the routing security practices (MANRS conformance).  The two practices (which MANRS calls actions) we focused on in our study are: 

  1. Participating ISPs will register their IP prefixes in a trusted routing database (either Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) or one of the databases of the Internet Routing Registry (IRR).   This practice is “MANRS Action #4”.
  2. Participating ISPs will use such information to prevent propagation of invalid routing information. This practice is “MANRS Action #1”.


Our paper analyzed the MANRS ecosystem in May 2022. Since MANRS is a growing community, for this post we have updated our analysis using data collected in November 2022 to capture a more recent view of the MANRS ecosystem. We have also published our analysis code here for interested readers to reproduce the analysis using the latest available data.


MANRS growth

We first downloaded a list of MANRS members. The Internet Society kindly provided us the dates when each MANRS participant joined the programs. We found that between 2015 and November 2022, 863 ASes joined MANRS. Over this 7-year period, an additional 12.1% of routed IPv4 address space was originated by MANRS ASes. Plotting growth by ASes and by address space (Figure 1) shows that most of these new ASes were based in the LACNIC region, but that those ASes originated little or no address space into BGP.   



Figure 1 – MANRS participation grew between 2015 and 2022, but the picture looks quite different if measured by number of ASes vs. % of routed address space. 

MANRS Conformance 

We examined whether MANRS (ISP and CDN) members properly implemented MANRS Action #4 and #1 according to the MANRS requirements:

  • To conform to Action #4, members must register at least 90% (100% for CDNs) IP prefixes in IRR or RPKI.
  • To conform to Action #1, members must filter out customer BGP announcements that do not match IRR or RPKI records.


We downloaded BGP prefixes and their IRR/RPKI status from the Internet Health Report (IHR) maintained by IIJ Research Labs. We found that in November 2022, 893 (95.9%) of all 931 MANRS ASes conformed to MANRS Action #4 (prefix registration). Figure 2 shows that in November 2022, 3.7% of the address space originated by MANRS ASes was contained in prefixes that either were not registered or were incorrectly registered in IRR or RPKI. We also conducted case studies of non-conformant MANRS CDN members  and found that one large CDN was not conformant because one of their 7000+ prefixes was RPKI-invalid. Please refer to section 8.4 of the paper for more details. 





Figure 2 – Most ASes participating in MANRS conformed with Action #4, and correspondingly, most of the address space those ASes originated into BGP was IRR or RPKI valid, i.e., had records that matched observed BGP announcements. 


To evaluate whether MANRS members filtered out customer BGP announcements that do not match IRR or RPKI records (Action #1), we downloaded BGP prefixes, their IRR and RPKI statuses, and their upstream ASes from the Internet Health Report. We then calculated the prevalence of IRR/RPKI Invalid prefixes propagated through each MANRS network. 


Figure 3 shows that in November 2022, 790 (84.9%) of 931 MANRS ASes conformed to the MANRS Action #1 . Figure 3 also shows that 141 (15.1%) MANRS ASes did not conform to Action #1. However, not all of the address space propagated by these ASes was incorrectly registered in RPKI or IRR.  In fact, those 141 ASes propagated 96.7% of the address space propagated by MANRS ASes, but only 1.5% of that total was incorrectly registered. In addition, we found that 25 out of 27 MANRS members that are large transit providers (i.e., had > 180 customer ASes) did not fully conform with MANRS Action #1, suggesting that conformance was hard to achieve for networks with complex routing relationships.





Figure 3 – MANRS ASes that did not conform to MANRS Action #1 only propagated a small fraction of address space announced by MANRS ASes that was not IRR or RPKI Valid. (b) shows 95.2% of MANRS-propagated address space was IRR/RPKI Valid despite being propagated by Action #1 non-conformant members.


Are MANRS members more likely to register in RPKI? 

Our study found that, except for a few cases, MANRS organizations tended to conform with the two actions we studied. However, to estimate the impact of the MANRS initiative on the state of routing security, we compared the behavior of MANRS and non-MANRS ASes. 


We first compared these two subsets of ASes in terms of registration of RPKI ROAs of prefixes announced in BGP.  In November 2022, 60.1% of routed IPv4 address space originated by MANRS ASes was covered by RPKI ROAs, compared with only 38.8% of all routed IPv4 addresses covered by ROAs. Figure 5 shows that in November 2022, IPv4 address space originated by MANRS ASes was more likely to be registered in RPKI in all RIR regions except APNIC. In the APNIC region, we found significant RPKI registration by non-MANRS networks from JPNIC and TWNIC, possibly due to local RPKI outreach efforts.  Overall, this difference suggests a positive influence of MANRS members on the adoption of RPKI. 


Similarly, changing the view from routed address space to the originating ASes, we found that in November 2022, MANRS members were more likely to originate at least 80% RPKI Valid prefixes in BGP compared to their non-MANRS counterparts in all RIR regions (Figure 6).


Figure 5 – In November 2022, IPv4 address space originated by MANRS ASes was more likely to be registered in RPKI in all RIR regions except APNIC.


Figure 6 – In November 2022, MANRS ASes were more likely to originate RPKI Valid prefixes than non-MANRS ASes.


Future for MANRS

In November 2022, we found 71 MANRS ASes that registered their prefixes only in IRR but not RPKI. Registering only in an IRR database is less optimal than registering in RPKI, since some IRR databases may contain inaccurate records due to looser validation standards (See our paper IRR Hygiene in the RPKI Era). We recommend that in the future, MANRS  members register in RPKI in addition to IRR databases.  We also recommend that MANRS add a conformance checker to its existing observatory to further motivate its members to maintain good routing security practices. We have published our analysis code to facilitate such conformance checking. 

IRR Hygiene in the RPKI Era

Friday, April 1st, 2022 by Ben Du

The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the protocol that networks use to exchange (announce) routing information across the Internet. Unfortunately, BGP has no mechanism to prevent the propagation of false announcements such as hijacks and misconfigurations. The Internet Route Registry (IRR) and Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) both emerged as different solutions to improve routing security and operation in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) by allowing networks to register information and develop route filters based on information other networks have registered.

The Internet Routing Registry (IRR) was first introduced in 1995 and remained a popular tool for BGP route filtering. However, route origin information in the IRR suffers from inaccuracies due to the lack of incentive for registrants to keep information up to date and the use of non-standardized validation procedures across different IRR database providers.

Over the past few years, the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI), a system providing cryptographically attested route origin information, has seen steady growth in its deployment and has become widely used for Route Origin Validation (ROV) among large networks.

Some networks are unable to adopt RPKI filtering due to technical or administrative reasons and continue using only existing IRR-based route filtering. Such networks may not be able to construct correct routing filters due IRR inaccuracies and thus compromise routing security.

In our paper IRR Hygiene in the RPKI Era, we at CAIDA (UC San Diego), in collaboration with MIT, study the scale of inaccurate IRR information by quantifying the inconsistency between IRR and RPKI. In this post, we will succinctly explain how we compare records and then focus on the causes of such inconsistencies and provide insights on what operators could do to keep their IRR records accurate.

IRR and RPKI trends

For our study we downloaded IRR data from 4 IRR database providers: RADB, RIPE, APNIC, and AFRINIC, and RPKI data from all Trust Anchors published by the RIPE NCC. Figure 1 shows IRR cover more IPv4 address space than RPKI, but RPKI grew faster than IRR, having doubled its coverage over the past 6 years.

Figure 1. IPv4 coverage of IRR and RPKI databases. RADB, the largest IRR database, has records representing almost 60% of routable IPv4 address space. In contrast, the RPKI covers almost 30% of that address space but has been steadily growing in the past few years.

Checking the consistency of IRR records


We classified IRR records following the procedure in Figure 2: first we check if there is a Route Origin Authorization (ROA) record in RPKI covering the IRR record, then in case there is one if the ASN is consistent, and finally, if the ASN is consistent, we check the prefix length compared to the maximum length attribute of RPKI records. Using this procedure we are left with 4 categories:

  1. Not In RPKI: If the prefix in an IRR record has no matching or covering prefix in RPKI.
  2. Inconsistent ASN: If the IRR record has matching RPKI records but none has the same ASN..
  3. Inconsistent Max Length category: If the IRR record has the same ASN as its matching RPKI records but the prefix length in the IRR record is larger than the Max Length field in the RPKI records.
  4. Consistent: If the IRR records have a matching RPKI record with the same ASN and according maximum length attribute.

Figure 2. Classification of IRR records

Which is more consistent? RADB vs RIPE, APNIC, AFRINIC


As of October 2021, we found only 38% of RADB records with matching ROAs were consistent with RPKI, meaning that there were more inconsistent records than consistent records in RADB, see Figure 3 (left) . In contrast, 73%, 98%, and 93% of RIPE, APNIC, and AFRINIC IRR records were consistent with RPKI, showing a much higher consistency than RADB, see Figure 3 (right).


We attribute the big difference in consistency to a few reasons. First, the IRR database we collected from the RIRs are their respective authoritative databases, meaning the RIRs manages all the prefixes, and verifies the registration of IRR objects with address ownership information. This verification process is stricter than that of RADB and leads to the higher quality of IRR records. Second, APNIC provides its registrants a management platform that automatically creates IRR records for a network when it registers its prefixes in RPKI. This platform contributes to a larger number of consistent records compared to other RIRs.


Figure 3. RIR-managed IRR databases have higher consistency with RPKI compared to RADB.


What caused the inconsistency?

In our analysis we found that inconsistent max length was mostly caused by IRR records that are too specific, as the example shown in Figure 4, and to a lesser extent by misconfigured max length attribute in RPKI.  We also found that inconsistent ASN records are largely caused by customer networks failing to remove records after returning address space to their provider network, such as the example in Figure 5.

Inconsistent Max Length (Figure 4)

  • 713 caused by misconfigured RPKI Max Length.
  • 39,968 caused by too-specific IRR record.

Figure 4. IRR record with inconsistent max length: the IRR prefix length exceeds the RPKI max length value.


Inconsistent ASN (Figure 5)

  • 4,464 caused by customer network failing to remove RADB records after returning address space to provider network.

Figure 5. IRR record with inconsistent ASN: the IRR record ASN differs from the RPKI record ASN.


To Improve IRR accuracy


Although RPKI is becoming more widely deployed, we do not see a decrease in IRR usage, and therefore we should improve the accuracy of information in the IRR. We suggest that networks keep their IRR information up to date and IRR database providers implement policies that promote good IRR hygiene.

Networks currently using IRR for route filtering can avoid the negative impact of inaccurate IRR information by using IRRd version 4, which validates IRR information against RPKI, to ignore incorrect IRR records.

Unintended consequences of submarine cable deployment on Internet routing

Tuesday, December 15th, 2020 by Roderick Fanou

Figure 1: This picture shows a line of floating buoys that designate the path of the long-awaited SACS (South-Atlantic Cable System). This submarine cable now connects Angola to Brazil (Source: G Massala,, Feb 2018.)

The network layer of the Internet routes packets regardless of the underlying communication media (Wifi, cellular telephony, satellites, or optical fiber). The underlying physical infrastructure of the Internet includes a mesh of submarine cables, generally shared by network operators who purchase capacity from the cable owners [2,11]. As of late 2020, over 400 submarine cables interconnect continents worldwide and constitute the oceanic backbone of the Internet. Although they carry more than 99% of international traffic, little academic research has occurred to isolate end-to-end performance changes induced by their launch.

In mid-September 2018, Angola Cables (AC, AS37468) activated the SACS cable, the first trans-Atlantic cable traversing the Southern hemisphere [1][A1]. SACS connects Angola in Africa to Brazil in South America. Most assume that the deployment of undersea cables between continents improves Internet performance between the two continents. In our paper, “Unintended consequences: Effects of submarine cable deployment on Internet routing”, we shed empirical light on this hypothesis, by investigating the operational impact of SACS on Internet routing. We presented our results at the Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM) 2020, where the work received the best paper award [11,7,8]. We summarize the contributions of our study, including our methodology, data collection and key findings.

[A1]  Note that in the same year, Camtel (CM, AS15964), the incumbent operator of Cameroon, and China Unicom (CH, AS9800) deployed the 5,900km South Atlantic Inter Link (SAIL), which links Fortaleza to Kribi (Cameroon) [17], but this cable was not yet lit as of March 2020.


AS Rank v2.1 Released (RESTFUL/Historical/Cone)

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020 by Bradley Huffaker


Responding to feedback from our user community, CAIDA has released version 2.1 of the AS Rank API. This update helps to reduce some of the complexity of the full-featured GraphQL interface through a simplified RESTful API.

AS Rank API version 2.1 adds support for historical queries as well as support for AS Customer Cones, defined as the set of ASes an AS can reach using customer links. You can learn more about AS relationships, customer cones, and how CAIDA sources the data at

You can find the documentation for AS Rank API version 2.1 here

You can find documentation detailing how to make use of historical data and customer cones here


Effects of submarine cables deployment on Internet routing: CAIDA wins Best Paper at PAM 2020!

Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 by Roderick Fanou

Congratulations to Roderick Fanou, Bradley Huffaker, Ricky Mok, and kc claffy, for being awarded Best Paper at the Passive and Active Network Measurement Conference PAM 2020!

The abstract from the paper, “Unintended Consequences: Effects of submarine cables deployment on Internet routing“:

We use traceroute and BGP data from globally distributed Internet measurement infrastructures to study the impact of a noteworthy submarine cable launch connecting Africa to South America. We leverage archived data from RIPE Atlas and CAIDA Ark platforms, as well as custom measurements from strategic vantage points, to quantify the differences in end-to-end latency and path lengths before and after deployment of this new South-Atlantic cable. We find that ASes operating in South America significantly benefit from this new cable, with reduced latency to all measured African countries. More surprising is that end-to-end latency to/from some regions of the world, including intra-African paths towards Angola, increased after switching to the cable. We track these unintended consequences to suboptimally circuitous IP paths that traveled from Africa to Europe, possibly North America, and South America before traveling back to Africa over the cable. Although some suboptimalities are expected given the lack of peering among neighboring ASes in the developing world, we found two other causes: (i) problematic intra-domain routing within a single Angolese network, and (ii) suboptimal routing/traffic engineering by its BGP neighbors. After notifying the operating AS of our results, we found that most of these suboptimalities were subsequently resolved. We designed our method to generalize to the study of other cable deployments or outages and share our code to promote reproducibility and extension of our work

The study presents a reproducible method to investigate the impact of a cable deployment on the macroscopic Internet topology and end-to-end performance. We then applied our methodology to the case of SACS (South-Atlantic Cable System), the first South-Atlantic cable from South America to Africa, using historical traceroutes from both Archipelago (Ark) and RIPE Atlas measurement platforms, BGP data, etc.

Boxplots of minimum RTTs from Ark and Atlas Vantage Points to the common IP hops closest to the destination IPs. Sets BEFORE and AFTER correspond to periods pre and post-SACS deployment. We present ∆RTT (AFTER minus BEFORE) per sub-figure. RTT changes are similar across measurement platforms. Paths from South America experienced a median RTT decrease of 38%, those from Oceania-Australia a smaller decrease of 8%, while those from Africa and North America, roughly 3%. Conversely, paths from Europe and Asia that crossed SACS after its deployment experienced an average RTT increase of 40% and 9%, respectively.

As shown in the above figure, our findings included:

  • the median RTT decrease from Africa to Brazil was roughly a third of that from South America to Angola
  • surprising performance degradations to/from some regions worldwide, e.g., Asia and Europe.

We also offered suggestions for how to avoid suboptimal routing that gives rise to such performance degradations post-activation of cables in the future. They could:

  • Inform their BGP neighbours to allow time for changes
  • Ensure optimal iBGP configs post-activation
  • Use measurements platforms to verify path optimality

To enable reproducibility of this work, we made our tools and publicly accessible on GitHub.

Read the full paper on the CAIDA website or watch the PAM presentation video on YouTube.

CAIDA’s Annual Report for 2018

Tuesday, May 7th, 2019 by kc

The CAIDA annual report summarizes CAIDA’s activities for 2018, in the areas of research, infrastructure, data collection and analysis. Our research projects span Internet topology, routing, security, economics, future Internet architectures, and policy. Our infrastructure, software development, and data sharing activities support measurement-based internet research, both at CAIDA and around the world, with focus on the health and integrity of the global Internet ecosystem. The executive summary is excerpted below:

Technological Developments in Broadband Networking at March FTC Hearing

Saturday, May 4th, 2019 by kc

(Forgot to post this earlier, this is old news by now but fwiw..)
I presented at the 10th FTC Hearing on Competition and Consumer Protection in the 21st century this March, held in Washington D.C., giving a talk about Technological Developments in Broadband Networking which aims to address this question: Which (recent and expected) technological developments, or lack thereof, are important for understanding the competitiveness of the industry or impacts on the public interest?

A webcast of the presentation (my talk begins at 10m30s) is available. I also participated in a discussion panel, also webcast.

CAIDA’s Annual Report for 2017

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018 by kc

The CAIDA annual report summarizes CAIDA’s activities for 2017, in the areas of research, infrastructure, data collection and analysis. Our research projects span Internet topology, routing, security, economics, future Internet architectures, and policy. Our infrastructure, software development, and data sharing activities support measurement-based internet research, both at CAIDA and around the world, with focus on the health and integrity of the global Internet ecosystem. The executive summary is excerpted below: