NDN Next Phase Annual Report (2015-2016)
Thursday, June 30th, 2016 by kcThe Named Data Networking project recently published the NDN-NP annual report covering activities from May 2015 through April 2016.).
V. Jacobson, J. Burke, L. Zhang, T. Abdelzaher, B. Zhang, k. claffy, P. Crowley, J. Halderman, C. Papadopoulos, and L. Wang, “Named Data Networking Next Phase (NDN-NP) Project May 2015 – April 2016 Annual Report”, Tech. rep., Named Data Networking (NDN), Jun 2016.
This report summarizes our accomplishments during the second year of the Named Data Networking Next Phase (NDN-NP) project (the 5th year of the overall project. This phase of the project focuses on deploying and evaluating the NDN architecture in four environments: building automation management systems, mobile health, multimedia real-time conferencing tools, and scientific data applications. Implementation and testing of pilot applications in these network environments further demonstrated our research progress in namespace design, trust management, and encryption-based access control. Highlights from this year include:
- Continued evolution the NDN Forwarding Daemon (NFD), to support application-driven experimentation with new NDN protocol features.
- Development of an Android version of NFD to promote NDN experimentation on mobile platforms.
- Implementation of a new transport protocol (InfoMax) that can intelligently filter streams of information in order to reduce transmitted data volume, while minimizing loss of information.
- A growing portfolio of supporting software libraries, including new APIs, transport mechanisms (Sync, information maximization), and security functionality, that leverage inherent capabilities of NDN, e.g., schematized trust, name-based access control.
- Demonstration of extremely scalable forwarding implementation using a billion synthetic names.
- Implementation and evaluation of hyperbolic routing
performance to understand its feasibility in supporting NDN’s
interdomain routing. - Multi-faceted evaluation of the architecture, from
instrumentation of applications on the testbed, to uses of ndnSIM and the Mini-NDN emulator environment. - Continued uses of NDN in the four courses taught by principal investigators.
- The second annual NDN Community meeting hosted by the
NDN Consortium to promote a vibrant open source ecosystem of
research and experimentation around NDN.
The NDN team has made tremendous progress in the last five years, and a larger community of information-centric networking research has evolved in parallel. Our progress revealed the importance of demonstrating NDN capabilities in IoT and big data environments, and highlighted the need for accessible software platform support and emulation capabilities to facilitate R\&D on both the NDN architecture and applications that leverage it. We have received a year of supplement funding to complete four tasks: 1) completing and disseminating native NDN applications and associated design patterns, 2) demonstrating NDN scalability; 3) documenting and releasing reference implementations, and 4) documenting NDN design decisions and lessons learned.