Seeking Beta Users for 100 GB link Anonymized Passive Traces

August 11th, 2024 by Elena Yulaeva

We are seeking beta users for our new Anonymized Two-Way Passive Trace dataset, captured on a 100 GB link between Los Angeles and San Jose. Beginning in April 2024, we have been capturing a one-hour trace each month. To protect privacy, we strip all packet payloads after the layer 4 headers, and anonymize IP (v4 and v6) addresses with CryptoPan. The monthly data is provided in two separate files, one for each direction of traffic.

This dataset includes the following metadata fields:

  • Monitor Name
  • Year and month (including a link to a graphical display of breakup by protocol, application, and country)
  • Start time of trace (UTC)
  • Stop time of trace (UTC)
  • Number of IPv4 packets
  • Number of IPv6 packets
  • Unknown packets (as a fraction of the total number of packets)
  • Transmission rate in packets per second
  • Transmission rate in bits per second
  • Link load (as a fraction of the nominal maximum load for a 100 GB link)
  • Average packet size (bytes) (including a link to a graph of the packet size distribution).

The data is stored in our Swift OpenStack object storage. Each one-directional anonymized pcap file captured monthly is approximately 1TB in size, so users will need more than 2TB of space to download the entire one-hour capture. For those without access to such storage and/or processing capacity, contact us and we will discuss other alternatives. We are also releasing statistical information for each hourly trace.

Academic researchers can request access to the data by filling out and submitting the request form.

We will prioritize users who:

  • Have significant experience with network traffic analysis
  • Demonstrate a clear plan for how they will use the dataset
  • Can commit to regular feedback and participation throughout the beta testing period

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